Crochet Bobble Dishcloth

Hi friends,

Can you ever have too many crochet dishcloth patterns? The answer is no! 🙂 So I’m sharing my Crochet Bobble Dishcloth pattern below because you need one more! It’s a quick and easy pattern and the bobbles add a fun texture.

I used I Love This Cotton Yarn in Limedot with an H/5mm hook to stitch up my dishcloths. I think the Limedot color way is discontinued, but there are 70 colors of this yarn to choose from – pick your favorite!

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You can find the pattern for my Crochet Bobble Dishcloth below. I’ve also included a link to a free PDF at the bottom of the pattern for easy printing.

Crochet Bobble Dishcloth 

I Love This Cotton yarn 

H/5mm hook

Stitches used in US terms:

Foundation Half Double Crochet – fhdc

Chain – ch

Half Double Crochet – hdc

Bobble Stitch – bobble

Single Crochet – sc

Slip Stitch – ss

Back Loop Only – blo

Special stitch: Bobble Stitch – Yarn over, insert hook into stitch, and pull up a loop. Yarn over, pull through two loops. Repeat 4 times – there will be 6 loops on the hook. Yarn over and pull through all 6 loops. Sc in next stitch to complete the Bobble stitch.

Row 1: work 23 fhdc. Turn. (23 stitches)

Row 2: ch 1. hdc in first 3 stitches. *work bobble in next stitch, hdc in next 3 stitches* Repeat from * to * across. Turn. (4 bobbles, 15 hdc)

Rows 3-5: ch 1. hdc in each stitch across. Turn. (23  stitches) 

Row 6: ch 1. hdc in first 3 stitches. *work bobble in next stitch, hdc in next 3 stitches* Repeat from * to * across. Turn. (4 bobbles, 15 hdc)

Rows 7-9: ch 1. hdc in each stitch across. Turn. (23  stitches) 

Row 10: ch 1. hdc in first 3 stitches. *work bobble in next stitch, hdc in next 3 stitches* Repeat from * to * across. Turn. (4 bobbles, 15 hdc)

Rows 11-13: ch 1. hdc in each stitch across. Turn. (23  stitches) 

Row 14: ch 1. hdc in first 3 stitches. *work bobble in next stitch, hdc in next 3 stitches* Repeat from * to * across. Turn. (4 bobbles, 15 hdc)

Row 15: ch 1. hdc in each stitch across. DO NOT TURN. (23  stitches) 

Begin working in Rounds. 

Round 1: ch 1. sc evenly around, working 3 sc in each corner. Join with ss to first sc. 

Round 2: ch 1. working in blo, hdc in each stitch around, working 3 hdc in each corner. Join with ss to first hdc. 

Fasten off and weave in ends. 

Finished dishcloth measures about 8 by 7 inches. 

You can stitch up several of these fun dishcloths in no time! What color will you make yours?

I hope you enjoy this pattern!

Happy Stitching!


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3 Responses to Crochet Bobble Dishcloth

  1. Pingback: Crochet Bobble Color Block Baby Blanket | Creating Me

  2. Pingback: Mother’s Day 2022 Gift Ideas | Creating Me

  3. Pingback: Crochet Christmas Gift Ideas | Creating Me

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